React, Respond, Recover: Eight steps to become cyber resilient.

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Cybercrime and ransomware are at epidemic levels. They are so commonplace, they’re the number one reason for an IT outage. Government agencies are responding by putting regulations in place to combat threats. This is why you need a strategy now to address proactive approaches to prevent ransomware and reactive controls to recover if a cyberattack is successful.

What does it take to be truly cyber resilient? During our presentation, we outline eight steps to take. Plus, we discuss:

  • How to create a strategy to prevent, respond, and recover from cyber attacks
  • Why a truly comprehensive program includes more than just technology solutions
  • Why you should leverage industry standards for technology, simulation/testing, and cyber specific programs
  • How 11:11 Systems can help you take the first steps – and help in every step toward cyber resilience
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